Canadian Space Services Ltd. (“Canadian Space”) provides fully integrated field services for all types of antenna enclosures and geodesic / radar domes (radomes).
Field services range from routine maintenance to turn-key project management and are provided by mobile teams of technicians that have serviced all types and sizes of radomes in conformance with all industry and government standards in Canada and internationally.
Our client base includes government agencies and corporations engaged in defense, air traffic control and weather radar services, and boasts a 98% rate of repeat business.
In addition to secured storage, training, and office space, our industrial campus in Carp, Ontario is equipped with a 68-foot diameter radome and houses a 55ft diameter SATCOM antenna, which affords unique opportunities to replicate real-time worksite situations in order to thoroughly educate and prepare our employees for field radome work. We are located 30 minutes west of Ottawa’s centre, it easily accessible to decision makers of clients, most of which are based in Canada’s Capital Region.
We have over 45 years of radome field services experience in the most severe,
demanding and remote locations.
Full radome preventive and/or periodic maintenance and refurbishment services, including cleaning, sealing, painting, and replacement of accessories
Full suite of exterior and interior radome inspections with reports and recommendations (structural, overall site, coatings, sealants, accessories, torque, base interface, etc.)
Installations and removal of new and obsolete radomes, as well as of radome components and modifications (antennae, lighting, slings, tie-points, vents, hatches, warning lights, lightning protection and climate control systems, panel interchange/reconditioning / structural alterations)
Radome crating and shipping
Repair and overhaul of radome pressurization systems
Engineering (we partner with general and specialized engineering companies to complement our services)
We provide trained, certified rope-access technicians to service all types of radome structures, including the ones owned by the federal government throughout Canada, including the far North sites